NFT Launch
You can now mint the NFT collection

The launchpad to power the
$7 trillion Islamic economy

Diraya is a launchpad community for the new guilds economy to connect developers, retailers, investors, and entrepreneurs.


Gain access to a community of new Islamic guilds

Learn more

Learn about our vision

The Diraya Manifesto details our vision and how we plan to get there.

Read it now

Frequently asked questions

Do I need a crypto wallet to mint?

No, you don’t need it. If you do not have a crypto wallet, you can login to the minting site with email or socials with our simple Thirdweb integration.

Can I use credit card to purchase a membership card?

Yes, if you don’t want to pay with crypto, you can mint your membership card using your credit card.

How many cards can I mint per wallet?

You can mint as many as you want on one wallet, with a 21 card limit per mint. If you want to mint more than 21, you can just restart the minting process.

Can I resell my membership card?

Technically, yes. Since your membership card is an NFT, it is possible to resell it on any NFT exchange. We do not condone speculation, but we technically cannot prevent it.

What is the utility?

The membership card gives you access to an exclusive community, retail programs, premium content, pitching opportunities, subscription discounts, and private intros.

Is Diraya only for Muslims?

No, everyone is welcome. Although the ethos of the Diraya community is Islamic, anyone can join our community.